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Airlite dust-free bedding is the foundation
of a healthy habitat for any animal.

Made of pre-consumer cardboard, Airlite is free of dust and contaminants that are common causes of respiratory, allergy and overall health problems in horses and other animals - and people!

Cian O'Connor - Irish Olympic Show Jumper

The Dust-Free Difference.

“When you open the bag you can see it’s dust free and our horses are happy on it. In Wellington, we find using the bedding has made a big difference. Our horses have less allergies and coughs, and fewer bites or any kind of funguses on their body.”

“We use Airlite every year when we come to Florida. We know that healthy horses with healthy lungs are horses that jump well.”

Dust and Respiratory Health

Over 80% of active horses have some degree of respiratory challenge — often without obvious symptoms. Dust in the environment is biggest cause of these problems — especially the invisible particles in bedding and hay. And it’s not just horses who are affected.

People who work with horses are badly impacted, too. Dust particles in the respiratory system trigger inflammation, irritation and extra mucus that can prevent easy breathing for all animals and people.

Airlite Bedding Sizes

Airlite bedding comes in two sizes — or “cuts.” Both offer super absorbency, comfort, traction and easy maintenance.

Mix and match to suit each animals’ needs and your maintenance and budget priorities.



Materials Matter.

Compared to more traditional materials, such as pine shavings, wood pellets, large pine shavings, and straw – Airlite out performs all. It is more economical, dust-free, maximum absorbency, controls odor, biodegradable, composrable, toxin-free, easy to maintain and clean, safe, comfortable, insulating and it maintains its structure. 

Airlite Cost Estimate

Our retailers sell Airlite by the bag at prices shown in the ranges below. Ordered directly from Green Horse Brands, Airlite’s delivered price-per-bag decreases significantly with quantities of 1-10 pallets and the cost varies by shipping location. A truckload — 26 pallets — is by far the most economical quantity.

How to Get Airlite Bedding

Good for the Planet -
Ideal for composting

Super Absorbent & neutralizes harmful ammonia odors

Keep your animals comfortable, clean and dry -- with ease!